Group Retirement Plans

Preisz Financial is passionately committed to providing each employee with a plan for pursuing a financially independent Retirement. Every action we take is guided by this belief.

Our service begins at the plan level. By using our best practices, trustees can seek to:

  • Reduce or Eliminate Investment Liability for trustees and plan sponsors
  • Provide access to a wide variety of investment options
  • Evaluate and benchmark the cost and services that various record keepers provide
  • Understand administrative efficiencies and how they can help you and your employees. This includes, but is not limited to consultation regarding payroll and benefits vendors, and streamlining systems to efficiently work together,
  • Understand and possibly Reduce costs of the plan

At the individual participant level, our licensed Financial Advisors:

  • Provide individually tailored, risk-based investment advice to participants
  • Deliver retirement readiness projections during one-on-one meetings with all participants
  • Provide continuous email and phone support to your employees

We are experienced, nice people who care about your complete satisfaction with your retirement plan. We are inspired by supporting the financial independence of your team members.

Yes, we are in the retirement plan business, but really… we are in the people business.


401(k) and Profit Sharing Plans

We assist business owners with plan design review, open architecture, fund monitoring, due diligence analysis, plan administration review, and more to help you manage your retirement plan and ensure it is up-to-date and benefiting both you and your employees.


Defined Benefit Pension Plans

Providing the highest contribution and tax deduction, you may consider a defined benefit plan if your company plans on contributing significantly more than the maximum for owners and key employees. We assist with all elements of these plans, including design, investment, administration and compliance, communication with employees, and control of expenses. Often, a business owner will consider incorporating a Defined Benefit Pension plan into their business succession arrangement.


Non-Qualified Supplemental Deferred Compensation

Depending on your business, you may need to be selective as to which employees receive benefits. This plan offers the ability to target specific employees a business wants to attract, reward, and retain.

Services We Offer:

FOR PLAN SPONSORS  (click for brochure)

FOR EMPLOYEES  (click for brochure)


Group Retirement Plans For Business Owner | Preisz Financial